; The amount of space needed on the hard disk to install
(set HDSizeNeeded 1)
; Start string definitions
(set #ProgName
(cat "Money Matters"
(set #Welcome-Pirate
(cat "\n\n\n\nWelcome to the " #ProgName " Installer\n\n"
"Copyright (C) 1993 Digita International\n\n\n\n"
(set #InsertDiskMsg
(cat "\nPlease insert the disk labelled\n\n"
(set #InsertAmigaDiskMsg
(cat "\nPlease insert the Amiga Workbench disk labelled\n\n"
(set #diskhelp
(cat "\n If you know that the correct disk is in the drive, but you still cannot proceed, "
"then the name of the disk is incorrect.\n"
" Ensure that the disk name is not preceded by 'copy_of_', or blank spaces before or after the disk name.\n\n\n" @askdisk-help
(set #MMDiskName
(cat "Money Matters"
(set #BadKick
(cat #LongProgName " requires Workbench 2.04 or above to work correctly."
(set #HardDiskDefaultDest
(cat "Work:"
(set #LibSource
(cat #MMDiskName ":Libs"
(set #FontSource
(cat #MMDiskName ":Fonts"
(set #HardDiskLibDest
(cat "LIBS:"
(set #HardDiskFontDest
(cat "FONTS:"
(set #HardDiskDestChoiceMsg
(cat "Where do you want to install the\n" #ProgName " program drawer?"
(set #HardDiskDestChoiceHelp
(cat " Select the drawer where you want to install " #ProgName ", then click Proceed (a new drawer titled \"" #ProgName "\" will be created and will contain the " #ProgName " program.)"
(set #HardDiskDestChoiceConfirmMsg1
(cat "\nAre you sure you want to install " #ProgName " in the destination:\n\n\""
(set #HardDiskDestChoiceConfirmMsg2
(cat "\"\n\n\n\n(A new drawer titled \"Money Matters\" will be created and this will contain the " #ProgName " program.)"
(set #HardDiskDestChoiceConfirmHelp
(cat " Click YES to keep the destination drawer.\n\n Click NO if you want to change the destination drawer."
(set #DrawerExistsMsg
(cat "\nA drawer titled \"Money Matters\" already exists in the destination you have chosen.\n\nDo you wish to replace it or choose a new destination?"
(set #DrawerExistsChoice1
(cat "Replace it"
(set #DrawerExistsChoice2
(cat "Choose new destination"
(set #DrawerExistsHelp
(cat "\n You have chosen a destination drawer which already has \"Money Matters\" installed there.\n\n Click \"" #DrawerExistsChoice1 "\" to replace the contents with this new version of " #ProgName ".\n Click \"" #DrawerExistsChoice2 "\" to choose a new destination drawer."
(set #NoDiskSpaceMsg
(cat "There is insufficient available space on your hard disk to install " #ProgName ". You will need at least " HDSizeNeeded "MB of free space.\n\nEither Abort this installation and delete some files from your hard disk, or try a different partition on your hard disk."
(set #HardDiskWorkingMsg
(cat "Please wait... Installation is proceeding."
(set #ImportantFinishedMsg
(cat "\nI M P O R T A N T\n\n\nDon't forget to fill out your prepaid registration card and send it back to us.\n\nOnly registered users can receive technical support (via phone or letter), special upgrade deals and discounts."
(message #Welcome-Pirate)
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
( abort #badkick )
(complete 10)
(set MyDefault #HardDiskDefaultDest)
(set LibDest #HardDiskLibDest)
(set OK 0)
(until (= OK 1)
(set DestPath
(prompt #HardDiskDestChoiceMsg)
(help #HardDiskDestChoiceHelp)
(default MyDefault)
(if (exists (tackon DestPath "Money Matters")) ; if there is already a drawer named Money Matters